Hipertenção arterial

6562 palavras 27 páginas
Cortez EA, Marçal C, Cardoso F, Silva ICM, Granjeiro R,Carmo TG.

ISSN 2175 -5361 Iatrogenia in care of ….

REVISTA DE PESQUISA: Cuidado é Fundamental REPEF On line ISSN 2175-5361


IATROGENIA NO CUIDADO DA ENFERMAGEM: IMPLICAÇÕES ÉTICAS E PENAIS IATROGENIA EN LA ATENCIÓN DE ENFERMERÍA: IMPLICACIONES ÉTICAS Y PENALES Elaine Antunes Cortez1, Cristiana Marçal2, Francine Cardoso2, Ilda Cecília Moreira da Silva3, Rosângela Grangeiro2, Thiago Gomes do Carmo4 ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the most frequent iatrogenesis that are affected by nursing professionals, and linking with appropriate ethical implications, the criminal charge nurses. Method: The study is descriptive and exploratory nature, with a qualitative approach and conducted bibliographic Virtual Health Library. Results: The iatrogenic assumes a close relationship with cases of incompetence, recklessness or negligence. Thus arose the need for nursing professionals to debate, since the subject is little discussed and disclosed. The problem is: what is the relationship between iatrogenesis committed to the ethical responsibility / criminal of Nurses? The emerging categories were: types and causes of iatrogenesis committed by professional nurses and nurse's responsibility in preventing iatrogenic. Conclusion: we found that the type of applicant is the most iatrogenic administration of medicine, with the causes: the delegation of care, not the improvement and care carried out mechanically. We conclude that we can not win the iatrogenic, but prevent it, knowing its implications and its consequences. Descriptors: Ethics, Iatrogenic, Nursing. RESUMO Objetivo: identificar as iatrogenias mais frequentes que são acometidas pelos profissionais de enfermagem, e relacionar com as devidas implicações ético-penais imputas aos profissionais de enfermagem. Método: O estudo tem natureza descritiva e exploratória, com abordagem


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