Franz kafka e os princípios constitucionais brasileiros

2100 palavras 9 páginas
1. Introdução

O objetivo do presente trabalho é a analise crítica dos paralelos entre o livro O Processo de Franz Kafka e o sistema processual penal brasileiro.
Franz Kafka nasceu em Prague, Bohemia (then belonging to Austria), July 3, 1883, d.Praga (então pertencente à Áustria), 03 de julho de 1883, fruto de uma família judia de classe média
Foi um dos escritores mais influentes deste século. Virtually unknown during his lifetime, the works of Kafka have since been recognized as symbolizing modern man's anxiety-ridden and grotesque alienation in an unintelligible, hostile, or indifferent world.Praticamente desconhecido durante sua vida, as obras de Kafka já foram reconhecidos como simbolizando a alienação ansiosa e grotesca do homem moderno num mundo ininteligível, hostil ou indiferente. Kafka came from a middle-class Jewish family and grew up in the shadow of his domineering shopkeeper father, who impressed Kafka as an awesome patriarch. Kafka veio de uma família judia de classe média. None of Kafka's novels was printed during his lifetime, and it was only with reluctance that he published a fraction of his shorter fiction.Nenhuma de suas obras foi impressa durante sua vida, e foi só com relutância que ele publicou uma fração de sua curta ficção. This fiction included Meditation (1913; Eng. trans., 1949), a collection of short prose pieces; The Judgment (1913; Eng. trans., 1945), a long short story, written in 1912, which Kafka himself considered his decisive breakthrough (it tells of a rebellious son condemned to suicide by his father); and The Metamorphosis (1915; Eng. trans., 1961), dealing again with the outsider, a son who suffers the literal and symbolic transformation into a huge, repulsive, fatally wounded insect.
Contrary to Kafka's halfhearted instruction that his unprinted manuscripts be destroyed after his death, his friend Max Brod set about publishing them and thus became the architect of his belated fame.
Kafka lived his life in emotional


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