Excel formulario

1725 palavras 7 páginas
Chat Tab
Like a regular online chat room, the Chat tool lets you and the students in your course communicate with each other in real time. You can also use the chat tool to: * View chat logs, which are archived chats from the course * Create separate chat rooms for different purposes or groups * Send private messages to an individual participant * "Follow" one another to web sites related to the course discussion
Participating in a Chat
Chat rooms allow you and your students to communicate in real time. To participate in a chat room: Step 1: | Click the Chat tool at the top of your screen. | Step 2: | Click the chat room you'd like to participate in. The chat room opens. | Step 3: | Enter your message in the text field at the bottom of the chat room and click Send. Your text appears in the chat room. Note: You can also use the Enter key to "send" your messages to the chat room. |

To send a private chat message: Step 1: | From within the chat room, double-click the name of the person you want to send a private message to. A small window appears. | Step 2: | In the window, type the private message text. | Step 3: | Click Submit. Your message will be seen only by the recipient to whom you sent the message. |

To add a link to a web site in the chat room: Step 1: | Enter a URL in the field at the bottom left of the chat room and click Send. Your URL displays in the chat room. | Step 2: | You (or anyone else) can now click the URL in the chat room to go directly to that site. When you click the URL in the chat room, a separate window opens for the new site. |

Creating a new chat room
There is a main chat room for every course. As an instructor, you may want to create different chat rooms for different purposes or groups. You can also rename, edit, or delete an existing chat room.

To create a chat room: Step 1: | Click the Chat tool at the top of your screen. | Step 2: | Click Add New Room at


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