
278 palavras 2 páginas
And from the development and spread of communication technologies, the individual has experienced two forms of knowledge and interact with other people: a physical, concrete and other virtual, immaterial.

Communication technologies have broadened and deepened the human capacity to speak, hear and see.

But one important thing to be discussed about this medium is privatization, a promise more affordable as a form of sociability fast as never before.

Because privatization popularized telephone access in Brazil, but the expected competition in the sector remains. The result was a transfer of the former state monopoly to private hands.

The number of landlines installed in Brazil grew 144% since the privatization of Telebras, an explosion that has improved the country's position in relation to other developing nations Telecommunications. There are now 49.4 million -38 million lines in operation and idle-11.4 million against 20.2 million in July 1998, the date of privatization.

At that time, consumers expect a few years to get your phone installed. Today, the FCC rules, no company can take more than two weeks to fill an order.

Five years ago, the phone lines were considered an asset like a house or a car, and they cost more than $ 3,000.00. Today, the subscription costs $ 19.00.

Even with all the advances made in the telephone industry after the Privatization, a problem remains: the lack of competition in fixed telephony. Unlike mobile phones, establishing a strong competition with each other, aimed at lowering prices of fares and appliances.

Phone line was 98% cheaper, but prices have risen 512%.

Line cheap price costly. This is the new problem faced by the Brazilian five years


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