
784 palavras 4 páginas
3 Underline the correct verb in italics. 1 I'm a customer services assistant. I deal with / 'm in charge o/customers every day 2 Jessica plans / is responsible for ten people in her section. 3 The IT department develops / controls the computers in all the offices. 4 Production deals with the products, but R&D manages / develops new products. 5 I work for Guilherme, the Financial Director. Sometimes he asks me to control / check his work for him. He doesn't want to make any mistakes! 4 Work with a partner. Make sentences about these jobs using the verbs in 2. Example: An air traffic controller controls the movement of aeroplanes.


«НИИ air traffic controller / movement of aeroplanes teachers / students engineer / projects team leaders / team production mana,ger/ factory 5 Work with the same partner. Make sentences about these departments using words in the table. Example: Logistics plans deliveries from suppliers. works with is responsible for deals with plans controls is in charge of manages develops checks organizes suppliers customers information employees deliveries machinery other departments products money computers

Logistics Finance Sales Information Technology (IT) Research and Development (R&D) Human Resources (HR) Marketing Customer Services Production

У) For more exercises, go to Practice file 7 on page 90. 6 38> We can pronounce words ending in -s with /s/, /z/, or /iz/. Listen and write the sounds. is llL manages /iz/ Example: works AL 1 deals 2 plans 3 organizes 4 products 5 departments 6 computers 7 controls 8 develops 9 resources

7 Write a short job profile for you, then read it to your partner. 8 Take turns to describe some departments in your company. Try to guess the department your partner describes. Example: A This department works with customers. В Sales. A Correct. © » Interactive Workbook » Glossary

Tip I Word building
When you learn a new word, you can make more words with it:


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