Atividade ingles intrum. ii

489 palavras 2 páginas
Leia os segmentos abaixo e, a seguir, marque a alternativa que apresenta apenas as palavras cognatas com suas corretas traduções de acordo com o contexto em que elas se inserem. Cuidado com os falsos cognatos!

The Patient Record includes the complete notes of all care given to a particular patient. All healthcare professionals who deliver care to a patient, for example physiotherapist, medical officers, nursing staff and social workers, must document the care in the Patient Record. Record keeping is an important responsibility of nurses not least because the Patient Record is a legal document and can be called on as evidence, making it essential that the record is factual and objective and does not contain subjective opinion.
Escolher uma resposta.

|a. professionals (profissionais), document (documentar), responsibility (responsabilidade) | |
|b. essential (essencial), particular (específico), social worker (trabalho voluntário) | |
|c. factual (fato), objective (objetivo), opinion (opinião) | |

Nursing Informatics combines nursing science, computer science and information science to streamline and support the practice of nursing and the delivery of nursing care. In many hospitals, nurses work with the IT team to translate patient care into practical computer applications including the retrieval of information, charting, ordering and billing. The EPR or Electronic Patient Record is a current example of the effect of Informatics on the keeping of confidential patient records.
Escolher uma resposta.

| |a. combines (combina), information (informação), support (suportar, aguentar) | |
| |b. practice (prática), current (corrente elétrica), effect (efeito) | |
| |c. including (incluindo), hospitals (hospitais), electronic (eletrônico) | |

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