Vestibular Ufrgs

653 palavras 3 páginas
Instrução: As questões 59 a 66 referem-se ao texto abaixo.

01 One of the best ways to build a sense of trust and responsibility in people is by
02 sharing information. Giving team members the information they need enables them to
03 make good business decisions. Sharing information sometimes means _________
04 information that is considered privileged, including sensitive and important topics such
05 as the competition’s activities, future business plans and strategies, financial data,
06 industry issues or problem areas, competitor’s best practices, the way the group
07 activities __________ to organizational goals, and performance feedback. Providing
08 people with more complete information communicates trust and a sense of “we’re in
09 this together”. It helps people think more broadly about the organizational and the
10 inter-relationships of various groups, resources and goals. By _______ access to
11 information that helps them understand the big picture, people can better appreciate
12 how their contribution fits in and how their behavior impacts other aspects of the
13 organization.
Adapted from: BLANCHARD, Ken. Leading at a higher level. New Jersey.: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. p. 72.

01. Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente as lacunas das linhas 03, 07 e 10.
(A) disclosing  contribute  having
(B) disclose  contribute  have
(C) disclosing  contributing  having
(D) disclosing  contribute  have
(E) disclose  contributing  having 02. De acordo com o texto,
(A) compartilhar informações na empresa pode dificultar as decisões nos negócios.
(B) as atividades e planos dos concorrentes não são considerados informações privilegiadas.
(C) é importante que todos os membros da empresa se sintam em casa no ambiente de trabalho.
(D) o trabalho de cada membro da equipe é importante para a empresa como um todo.
(E) nem todos os funcionários devem ter acesso aos dados financeiros da empresa.


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