Trabalhos de campo geografia

7910 palavras 32 páginas
Rosangela Justen, Celso Dal Ré Carneiro

Artigo 9:49-60, 2012

Trabalhos de campo na disciplina Geografia: estudo de caso em Ponta Grossa, PR
Rosangela Justen-Zancanaro
CHALEC/Unidavi. Centro Univ. para Desenv. Alto Vale do Itajaí.
Celso Dal Ré Carneiro
Depto. Geociências Aplicadas ao Ensino, Instituto de
Geociências, Unicamp.


ABSTRACT Teaching methods based on field activities make a closer approximation between the studied object and students. Fieldwork yelds an excellent learning environment, promotes group socialization and allows to consider both the prior knowledge of the student and the local reality as well. A research on field activities in the Geography discipline of basic education schools was developed. The research aimed to investigate whether or not fieldwork is done by teachers of public and private schools of Ponta Grossa municipaty, PR. It has been found that more than 50% of the consulted geography teachers apply field methodologies. Difficulties to carry out field activities were also identified: (a) lack of financial support for students, (b) liabilities that a teacher must assume when taking a student out of the school environment, and (c) lack of time for preparation. The research has largely confirmed the initial hypothesis: the participant teachers attribute a great value for this didactic resource because they get good results from it. Even those who do not attach great importance to the activities. Citation: Justen-Zancanaro R., Carneiro C.D.R. 2012. Trabalhos de campo na disciplina Geografia: estudo de caso em Ponta Grossa, PR. Terræ, 9(1-2):49-60. <>.
Keywords: Methodology of teaching, fieldwork, Geography teaching, Ponta-Grossa-PR, Geosciences.
Métodos de ensino baseados em atividades de campo aproximam o objeto estudado do estudante, pois o campo oferece ótimo ambiente, promove socialização e permite considerar tanto o conhecimento prévio do


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