Tec da informação

3530 palavras 15 páginas
Follow these simple steps to license your product
Live Trial Evaluation (Full product functionality for 30 days)
If you are using this product as a live trial, enter your 25-character live trial license key when prompted in the installation screen. If you do not have a live trial license key, go to ca.com/trials and select “Downloads and Trials” in the information center box to receive your license by email.

Licensing the Product
If you are updating a previous version, you must insert a valid upgrade license key for the latest version. If you enter a live trial license key for a currently licensed installation, the software will stop working after 30 days. During the installation process, you will see a list of all components you have chosen to install. Enter the respective license keys for each component listed in the license verification dialog. If you have already installed the product as a live trial, you can still license this product without having to perform a new installation. To do so, perform the following steps:

On Windows, if the component you want to license contains a graphical user interface (GUI), click the “License” button in the component’s Help/About box to access the License Verification Dialog. If there is no GUI associated with the component you want to license on Windows, run the “CALicnse.exe” program to launch the License Verification Dialog. By default, this program is located in the following directory:
%SystemDrive%\Program Files\CA\SharedComponents\CA_LIC

This program allows you to enter the necessary License Keys to license any components installed on that system.

On Linux, run the “CALicense” program, located in the following directory:

This program allows you to enter the necessary License Keys to license components installed on that system.

Follow these simple steps to license your product

We recommend that you register this product. Registered users may


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