significados da musica

1602 palavras 7 páginas
cool moustache wario try missing with the mad monk you'll be sorry, yo how many dictators does it take to turn an empire into a union of ruinous states ? it's a disgrace what you did to your own people your daddy beat you like a dog and now you're evil you're from Georgia sweet Georgia and the history books unfold ya as a messed up mutha fucka bent in the mind who built a superpower but he paid the price with the endless destruction of Russian lives if you're the man of steel i spit kryptonite big dick mystic known to hypnotize i could end you with a whisper to your wife xxxxxxxxxxxxxx look into my eyes you perverted witch see the soul of the man who made mother Russia his bitch you think i give a fuck about my wife? my own son got locked up in prison and i didn't save his life you got of easy when they pickled that mouse cock i'd leave your neck in a noose in a trench and shot your whole family shot all your wizard friends shot anyone who sold you pierogi shot starve you for days til you wast away i even crush mother fuckers when i'm laid in state pride of lenin took trotsky out of the picture drop the hammer on you harder than i bitch slapped hitler xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx i have no pride for you who ruined everything my revolution was doing to stop the bourgeoisie i fought the bondage of classes the proletariat masses have bought me here to spit a thesis against both of your asses let me start with you there frankenstein looking like something out of R.L Stine it's hip hop chowder red over white cause the Tsar's wife can't do shit tonight and joseph you were supposed to bed my right hand man but your loyalty shriveled up like your right hand man our whole future was bright you let your heart grow dark and sopped the greatest revolution since the birth of Marx xxxxxxxxxxxx did somebody say birthmarks? you i'm the host with the most Glasnost assholes made a mess and the war got cold shook hands with both


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