
7277 palavras 30 páginas
INGLÊS Textos para as questões de 01 a 07 Texto I A text familiar to many, George Orwell’s classic satire has cropped up on school reading lists ever since the year of its creation. Few readers can fail to be touched by the tragedy within, by its wonderful synthesis of unthreatening symbolism and incisive criticism. This familiarity is convenient since, as an adaptation, “Animal Farm” spends too little time on the details of time and place. lnstead, directors Joy Batchelor and John Halas thrust us directly into the depression that is Manor Farm, briefly explaining the situation with pictures and narration by Gordon Heath. (...) Sadly, Batchelor and Halas make it vital to have read Orwell’s biting satire on Soviet history before viewing “Animal Farm”, just to know what’s been left out. As it is, the film grasps the superficial aspects of Orwell’s allegoric fable without his deeper message. In missing so badly, we’re left with an impressive attempt that never matches up to its birthright. Texto II Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely – and this is vividly and eloquently proved in Orwell’s short novel. “Animal Farm” is a simple fable of great symbolic value, and as Orwell himself explained: “lt is the history of a revolution that went wrong”. The novel can be seen as the historical analysis of the causes of the failure of communism, or as a mere fairy-tale; in any case it tells a good story that aims to prove that human nature and diversity prevent people from being equal and happy, or at least equally happy. (...) In “Animal Farm”, Orwell describes how power turned the pigs from simple “comrades” to ruthless dictators who managed to walk on two legs, and carry whips. The story may be seen as an analysis of the Soviet regime, or as a warning against political power games of an absolute nature and totalitarianism in general. For this reason, the story ends with a hair-raising warning to all humankind: “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and


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