Lista de verbos regulares

601 palavras 3 páginas
to abuse abused abused = abusar. to allow allowed allowed = permitir. to announce announced announced = anunciar. to answer answered answered = responder. to apply applied applied = aplicar, candidatar-se. to arrest arrested arrested = prender. to arrive arrived arrived = chegar. to ask asked asked = perguntar. to bathe bathed bathed = banhar-se. to behead beheaded beheaded = decapitar. to block blocked blocked = bloquear. to blush blushed blushed = corar. to bog down bogged down bogged down = atolar. to call called called = chamar. to capture captured captured = capturar. to carry carried carried = carregar. to change changed changed = trocar. to check out checked out checked out = verificar to close closed closed = fechar. to collect collected collected = colecionar. to condemn condemned condemned = condenar to confess confessed confessed = confessar. to cry cried cried = chorar. to cure cured cured = curar. to dance danced danced = dançar. to decide decided decided = decidir. to descend descended descended = descer. to disappear disappeared disappeared = desaparecer. to discover discovered discovered = descobrir. to dream dreamed dreamed = sonhar. to enjoy enjoyed enjoyed = apreciar, divertir-se. to enter entered entered = entrar. to expect expected expected = esperar. to faint fainted fainted = desmaiar. to fan fanned fanned = abanar. to fish fished fished = pescar. to grant granted granted = conceder. to guess guessed guessed = adivinhar. to happen happened happened = acontecer. to help helped helped = ajudar. to hunt hunted hunted = caçar. to identify identified identified = identificar. to imagine imagined imagined = imaginar. to indicate indicated indicated = indicar. to interview interviewed interviewed = entrevistar. to iron ironed ironed = passar roupa. to kidnap kidnapped kidnapped = sequestrar. to kill killed killed = matar. to kiss kissed kissed = beijar. to knock knocked knocked = bater. to laugh


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