
3177 palavras 13 páginas
Quanser NI-ELVIS Trainer (QNET) Series:

QNET Experiment #01: DC Motor Speed Control DC Motor Control Trainer (DCMCT)

Student Manual

DCMCT Speed Control Laboratory Manual

Table of Contents
1. Laboratory Objectives.........................................................................................................1 2. References...........................................................................................................................1 3. DCMCT Plant Presentation.................................................................................................1 3.1. Component Nomenclature...........................................................................................1 3.2. DCMCT Plant Description..........................................................................................2 4. Pre-Lab Assignment............................................................................................................2 4.1. Exercise: Open-loop Modeling...................................................................................3 5. In-Lab Session.....................................................................................................................5 5.1. System Hardware Configuration..................................................................................5 5.2. Experimental Procedure...............................................................................................5

Revision: 01

Page: i

DCMCT Speed Control Laboratory Manual

1. Laboratory Objectives
The objective of this experiment is to design a closed-loop control system that regulates the speed of the DC motor. The mathematical model of a DC motor is reviewed and its physical parameters are identified. Once the model is verified, it is used to design a proportionalintegral, or PI, controller. Regarding the Gray Boxes: The gray boxes present in the instructor manual are not intended for the students as they provide solutions


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