Importações no ramo automobilistico

697 palavras 3 páginas
- THC no porto de descarga deve ser pago ao agente da linha anteriormente a liberação da carga
- Itens devem ser manuseáveis por empilhadeira e empilháveis (forkliftable/stackable)
- Shipper/cliente deve assegurar que as cargas/caixas são fortes o suficiente para suportarem o sobrepeso lateral
- Shipper/cliente deve providenciar amarração apropriada para navegação visando a segurança das cargas em nossos equipamentos MAFI
- Item a handled loose on the basis cargo is forkliftable.
- Items b loaded on 1 x 12m mafi
- Cargo loaded onto mafis/bolster, Lashing/stuffing is for the Line's account and unlashing/stripping is for the Receiver's account. Over width and over length cargoes on mafi trailers must be strong enough to take the overhang.
- Rates and Conditions are based on dimensions and weights supplied by shippers. The Carrier reserves the right to revise this quotation if there is any change to these dimensions and weights whether or not the total CBM is affected. In the case of cargo already loaded, freight will be adjusted accordingly.
- Rates and Conditions are subject to confirmation upon presentation and analysis of drawings indicating lifting/lashing points and centre of gravity in the case large, heavy or irregularly shaped cargoes.
- In cases where a spreader or any other kind of custom-made lifting device is required to load and discharge the cargo (e.g. boats, locomotives, storage tanks etc.) , the same should be supplied by the shipper and accompany the ship to be used during discharge operations unless otherwise agreed.
- Rate does not include storage at port of discharge which is for the receiver's account.
- All cargoes meant for shipment on MAFIS must have a flat base/ bottom footprint throughout its length and have sufficient structural strength to support any overhanging, unsupported sections during marine transportation.
- Unless otherwise stated, rate includes stuffing and lashing of MAFIS at port of loading but does not include


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