
2581 palavras 11 páginas
Later Stoics—such as Seneca and Epictetus—emphasized that, because "virtue is sufficient for happiness", a sage was immune to misfortune. This belief is similar to the meaning of the phrase "stoic calm", though the phrase does not include the "radical ethical" Stoic views that only a sage can be considered truly free, and that all moral corruptions are equally vicious.[1]

The Stoics held that all being (ὄντα) – though not all things (τινά) – is corporeal. They accepted the distinction between concrete bodies and abstract ones, but rejected Aristotle's belief that purely incorporeal being exists. Thus, they accepted Anaxagoras' idea (as did Aristotle) that if an object is hot, it is because some part of a universal heat body had entered the object. But, unlike Aristotle, they extended the idea to cover allaccidents. Thus if an object is red, it would be because some part of a universal red body had entered the object.
They held that there were four categories. substance (ὑποκείμενον)
The primary matter, formless substance, (ousia) that things are made of quality (ποιόν)
The way matter is organized to form an individual object; in Stoic physics, a physical ingredient (pneuma: air or breath), which informs the matter somehow disposed (πως ἔχον)
Particular characteristics, not present within the object, such as size, shape, action, and posture
Somehow disposed in relation to something (πρός τί πως ἔχον)
Characteristics related to other phenomena, such as the position of an object within time and space relative to other objects

Você não tem que ficar chateado ou frustrado quando defrontado com situações adversas, não importa o quão difícil elas sejam você pode mudar sua forma de pensar e opinião para superar sentimentos negativos. Esse pensamento é a linha principal de raciocínio na linha de pensamento grega conhecida por estoicismo.

Essa corrente filosófica afirma que não importa por qual situação estamos passando, não há nada que podemos fazer para evitar ela


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