Dieta do guerreiro

97242 palavras 389 páginas
Praise for The Warrior Diet

"Nothing tugs at your purse strings like the promise of a fat-burning miracle, but let's face it: the weight-loss industry is $35 billion fat, and sometimes it seems that the only thing getting thinner is our wallets. Well, we've had it. We've spent the entire year searching, researching, tasting and testing so you don't have to waste precious time or money. We're so convinced that we've found 2002's 25 best (the fastest, easiest, cheapest and most effective) get-fit solutions, that we are awarding them a prize... FIRST'S first annual Slimmys for weight-loss excellence. When it comes to diets, we weed the godsends from the gimmicks and give you the very best every issue. But our pick for best of the best? The Slimmy goes to...The Warrior Diet." -First For Women Magazine, December, 2002

"Women everywhere are raving about the super-effective "warrior" diet-eating lightly during the day, feasting after dark and losing weight at record speeds."Woman's World, November, 2002

"An original, distinctive, and highly satisfying diet plan, The Warrior Diet is meant especially for those who pursue an active lifestyle."- Midwest Book Review

"In my quest for a lean, muscular body, I have seen practically every diet and suffered through most of them. It is also my business to help others with their fat loss programs. I am supremely skeptical of any eating plan or "diet" book that can't tell me how and why it works in simple language. Ori Hofinekler's The Warrior Diet does just this, with a logical, readable approach that provides grounding for his claims and never asks the reader to take a leap of faith. The Warrior Diet can be a very valuable weapon in the personal arsenal of any woman." -DC Maxwell,


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