Da descoberta do átomo à mecânica quântica (um caminho de conhecimento inesgotável)

6299 palavras 26 páginas
1 Félix, F. K. et al.

Da descoberta do átomo à mecânica quântica (um caminho de conhecimento inesgotável)
Fernanda Karine do Carmo Félix¹*, Goiamar Pereira Maia², Gustavo Gomes da Silva¹, Sâmilla Gabriella Coelho de Almeida¹, Verônica Távilla Ferreira Silva¹. ¹Acadêmico(a) graduando em Engenharia de Bioprocessos e Biotecnologia, na Universidade Federal do Tocantins, campus Gurupi. ²Acadêmico graduando em Química Ambiental, na Universidade Federal do Tocantins, campus Gurupi. ABSTRACT The basis of science is the facts, but the facts do not constitute science. To become a chemical science, as seen today, were necessary observations, theories and laws, proven and organized in a logical structure. In principle which governed the chemistry as well as in alchemy, were the questions and search for answers generated knowledge. What separated chemistry from alchemy was the language used, while alchemy sought to give content to their dark experiments, chemistry sought to generalize the terms for full understanding. In principle, the ancient Greeks believed that there are four elements combined in the correct proportions could produce all other substances, are now aware of the existence of more than one hundred elements that combine to make up all matter on earth. The search for answers led to the knowledge of the atom and its structures as well as radiation and X-rays, which brought improvements to humanity. This article aims to review the theories that led to the current apex of chemical knowledge: quantum mechanics. Key-words: science, chemistry, evolution of the atomic model, radioactivity, Schrodinger equations, quantum physics. INTRODUÇÃO De acordo com a metafísica de Aristóteles, “existe naturalmente em todo homem o desejo de conhecer”. Talvez o hábito de questionar o mundo tenha começado com o início do pensamento lógico. As indecisões, as perguntas, as tentativas falhas ou corretas de respostas formularam o conhecimento e tornaram-se a base do saber atual. Estes


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