Causas da 1 guerra mundial

691 palavras 3 páginas
INTRODUCTION in the beginning of the twentieth century, the advance of capitalism, provoked an inequality between European nations. The competition for new areas, new markets, for the hegemony of the continent eventually cause a great war. In August 1914, the world has witnessed one of the bloodiest and violent war in the recent history of man, which lasted four years that, became known as the First World War.
Entre os anos de 1870 e 1914, o mundo vivia a euforia da chamada Belle Epóque (Bela Época). Do ponto de vista da burguesia dos grandes países industrializados, o planeta experimentava um tempo de progresso econômico e tecnológico. Confiantes de que a civilização atingira o ápice de suas potencialidades, os países ricos viviam a simples expectativa de disseminar seus paradigmas às nações menos desenvolvidas. Entretanto, todo esse otimismo encobria um sério conjunto de tensões, que mais tarde veio a desencadear a primeira Guerra mundial

One of the main causes that helped to increases the tension between Europeans countries and started the First World War was the imperialism. The imperialist ambitions of the great powers of Europe may be mentioned among one of the main factors responsible for the climate of international tension and rivalry that marked the beginning of the twentieth century. The majors industrialized powers, were seeking by all means to hinder economic expansion of countries competing. This economic competition has become particularly intense between England and Germany, which after the unification policy entered a period of rapid industrial development. The economic competition between the major industrialized nations had as a result the competition for colonies in Africa and Asia. As Germany and Italy were countries recently unified, they wanted to expand theirs empire getting colonies in Africa.
Beyond these problems, Europe had outbreaks of political conflict. The imperialist ambitions associated with the exalted


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