Capa 1

1364 palavras 6 páginas

Unidade Ouro Preto- 1° ano- Ensino Médio

Giulia de Aguiar Simões

Larissa Capovilla Rocha

Letícia Araújo dos Anjos Barbosa

Lívia Cristina da Fonseca

Vitória Alexandra Faglioni Montanaro

Vale a pena conhecer

Cine Theatro Brasil Vallourec

Belo Horizonte

06 de abril de 2015


Cine Brasil is currently one Patrimonio Historico of Belo Horizonte and works as a cultural center. Was built 85 years ago and was one of the most influential points BH, possessed bars and restaurants, in addition to housing all kinds of art like operas, movies, musicals and others. Many people paid for the ticket only to saw the view from the heart of the capital.
Its structure is very great, has a lounge, two galleries, two theaters and two terraces (currently before closing was only 1 terrace).
With 69 years of operation had its doors closed until 2006 where did the idea of its restoration space culture for Vallourec. This work was done with all care types had maintained its structure with the same aspects of French influence.
In the current cultural aspect as purpose to promote the rescue old artistic experience, and make a standout in promoting diversity throughout Brasil.
Its location is in the 258-14, on Carijós street, Praça Sete; weekends and holidays this local is served by bus line ST01. Surely this is an attractive our city not only to tourists but for citzens visit too.


O presente trabalho visa descrever e discorrer acerca do centro cultural Cine Theatro Brasil Vallourec, localizado na Praça Sete, Rua dos Carijós, nº 258, no Centro Sul da cidade de Belo Horizonte, e apresentar informações que o caracterizam como um interessante ponto turístico.

Figura 1- Edifício do Cine Theatro Brasil Vallourec


O Cine Theatro Brasil Vallourec localiza-se na Praça Sete, um dos pontos turísticos de Belo Horizonte, na Rua dos Carijós, 258. Foi arquitetado por Alberto Murgel em 1930,


  • Capa 1
    328 palavras | 2 páginas
  • Capa 1
    1608 palavras | 7 páginas
    276 palavras | 2 páginas
    1038 palavras | 5 páginas
    402 palavras | 2 páginas
  • 1 CAPA OK
    1380 palavras | 6 páginas
  • Capa portifolio 1
    505 palavras | 3 páginas
  • CAPA 1 novo
    607 palavras | 3 páginas
  • 1 Capa Economia
    668 palavras | 3 páginas
  • Capa 1 PRONTA
    2283 palavras | 10 páginas