Audi ncia e Instrução e Julgamento no Processo Civil TCC Gustavo Lu s Barth

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GUSTAVO LUS BARTH AUDINCIA DE INSTRUO E JULGAMENTO NO PROCESSO CIVIL Trs Passos (RS) 2014 GUSTAVO LUS BARTH AUDINCIA DE INSTRUO E JULGAMENTO NO PROCESSO CIVIL Trabalho de Concluso do Curso de Graduao em Direito objetivando a aprovao no componente curricular Trabalho de Curso - TC. UNIJU - Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. DEJ - Departamento de Estudos Jurdicos. Orientador MSc. Csar Busnello Trs Passos (RS) 2014 Dedico este trabalho minha famlia, pelo incentivo, apoio e confiana em mim depositados durante toda a minha jornada. AGRADECIMENTOS Palavras-Chave Atos processuais. Atos complexos. Audincia. Noes histricas. Instruo e julgamento. ABSTRACT This conclusion of course work in his first chapter provides an analysis of the procedural acts, first outlining the differences in procedural acts and facts, bringing the concepts of procedural act sequence. Looks at the acts and their ranking in acts of the parties, the judge and court officials. Discusses the difference between simple and complex actions, in order to show in what kind of act is a instruction and trial. In his second chapter, this work begins to study the instruction and trial in their peculiarities, starting from its historical notions to get to your concept. Scrutinizes the main principles guiding the instruction and trial, starting with the principle of publicity, immediacy, orality and lastly the principles of concentration and unity of the audience. Studies, in sequence, the police power of the magistrate at the hearing, which is given to them to do to maintain order during the formal session. A brief analysis of conciliation should be proposed by the judge before beginning the instruction, and after studying how to proceed instruction in audience by the testimony of the expert, personal testimony and witness testimony. Examines the possibility of oral debates when the cause is not complex and its conversion into memorials, while presenting some complexity. It
