
2946 palavras 12 páginas
Anais XVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto - SBSR, Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brasil, 13 a 18 de abril de 2013, INPE

Análise, subsidiada nas geotecnologias, do uso da terra e da cobertura vegetal na região sudoeste mato-grossense, contida na Bacia Amazônica
Miriam Raquel Da Silva Miranda¹
Sandra Mara Alves da Silva Neves 2
Ronaldo José Neves 2

Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso - UNEMAT
Laboratório de Geotecnologias. Av. São João, s/n°. Bairro Cavalhada
78200-000 - Cáceres - MT, Brasil 2

Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso - UNEMAT/ Campus Cáceres - Laboratório de
Geotecnologias Unemat. Programa de pós-graduação em Ambiente e Sistemas de Produção
Agrícola. Av. Santos Dumont, s/n. Bairro: Santos Dumont. CEP: 78200-000- Cáceres - MT.,
Abstract. This study aimed to analyze the change in land use and land cover of the south west region of the state of Mato Grosso, contained in the Amazon basin, with the aim of generating information that will help in planning and environmental management regional. The methodology used was from the acquisition of Landsat images 5TM of the years 1984 and 2011 on the site of the National Institute for Space Research - INPE, in which were employed the techniques of georeferencing, mosaic, cutout and classification, and the classes of mapping defined from the references of the Project of Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biological Diversity Brazilian
- PROBIO (BRAZIL, 2004) and technical manual for vegetation and land use (IBGE, 1992). The quantification and the layouts of the maps were generated in ArcGis. The results showed that the types of land use and vegetation cover of the south west region wetland contained in the Amazon basin have suffered changes during the period of twenty-eight years, because the area that suffered more changes were occupied by uses: agriculture,
Livestock and livestock. Therefore, the maps and data


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