Amoorr :*

322 palavras 2 páginas
Ba-boom. Ba-boom. There go your heartstrings. That person across the room is making your legs feel like Jell-O, and all you want to do is stare.
Topics on Crushes:
Affairs of the Heart
Confessing A Crush
Ouch! Denied!
Embarrassing Crushes
When You Don't Crush Back
Three's A Crowd
Celebrity Crushes
Crushes on Adults
From the Mentors

Cast Your Vote!
The Square Dancing Square
2 + 1 = Enemies
A Crush Come True?

But if you stare, he or she will (a) know you like him or her, or (b) think you're a total weirdo.
You know that the two of you would be perfect together, but you're worried that he or she (a) has no idea you exist, or (b) knows you exist but doesn't like you back.

If you tell your crush about how you feel, his or her reaction might (a) be the beginning of something really cool and special, or (b) leave you totally rejected and heartbroken.

You're convinced that your best friend either (a) likes the same person and will get there first, or (b) thinks your crush is a total geek and will think you're a geek by association.

Then there's that person who likes you but you don't like her or him back. You could (a) reject him or her and feel bad about it forever, or (b) figure out a way to let him or her down easy and maybe you'll end up being friends.

Crush. Why does the whole thing have to be so COMPLICATED?

When it comes to romance, nobody has all the answers. The smartest, most beautiful, most successful people on the planet still have trouble in the heart department. Just look at Britney and Justin!

Still, there are ways to make it all easier�and less painful. Read on, and you'll get some great ideas and tips for dealing with crushes, starting with Confessing A


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