Religions and beliefs

626 palavras 3 páginas
Religions and beliefs Religion is the beliefs that the people have about one God, or about gods, spirits or other supernatural beings, whom they believe have the power to affect their daily lives. It includes religious practices that enable believers to interact with the supernatural, and often also deals with beliefs about the creation of the world and life after death. Types of religions Christianity The Christian faith is the biggest religion in the world. Christians believe in one God, who appears in three different forms: God the father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. They believe that Jesus is the son of God and that He is the Messiah spoken of in the Old Testament, who gave up his life for his followers. There are many different Christian denominations (Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant). Christians worship in churches and respect the Holy Bible as a secret text. Islam Followers of Islam are called Muslims and they believe in one God, whom they call Allah. They believe that Jesus (Isa), Moses (Musa) and Abraham (Ibrahim) were prophets, and that Muhammad was the final prophet. Islam was revealed to the prophet Muhammad in Mecca (Makkah) more than 1,500 years ago. Muslims follow the teachings of the Qur’an and the Sunnah. The five pillars of Islam are central to this faith: declaring one’s faith; praying five times a day; giving money to charity; fasting; and making a pilgrimage to Mecca. Hinduism The word Hindu is delivered from the Hindus River. Hindus seek spiritual and moral truth wherever it might be found, and believe that each individual must realize this truth though his or her own systematic effort. Hindus revere many deities, and they call the greatest deity or God Brahman. Hinduism has no founder or single holy text, although the Vedic texts are sacred to many Hindus. Diwali is the best-know Hindu festival. Buddhism Buddhism is a very old way of life. Buddhists follow the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, who


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