
21992 palavras 88 páginas
Minicurso apresentado no Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação. Campinas, São Paulo, agosto de 2003.

Cap´tulo ı

Comunicacao Sem Fio e Computacao M´ vel: ¸˜ ¸˜ o Tecnologias, Desafios e Oportunidades1
Antonio A.F. Loureiro, Djamel F.H. Sadok, Geraldo R. Mateus, Jos´ Marcos S. Nogueira, Judith Kelner e

Abstract Mobile computing is a computing paradigm that provides users with permanent access to both fixed and mobile networks independent of their physical position. It is the capacity of accessing information anytime and anywhere. This paradigm is also referred as ubiquitous computing or nomadic computing. In North America, Europe and Japan, wireless communication technologies and mobile computing have been largely employed in different scenarios. Thus, a question that naturally arises is whether Brazil will be able to compete in a market that grows very fast and is being dominated by countries that already have and use those technologies. An important observation to answer the question is that to use those technologies users need interesting services and applications that are developed by tools, in most cases, not available yet, or under development. Furthermore, the design and development of software tools and platforms do not rely on a physical wireless infrastructure. Thus, at least in that market segment we can surely compete with other international players. We have the conditions to develop software for wireless communications and mobile computing. Following the main theme proposed for the Congress of the Brazilian Computing Society, “Science, Technology, and Inovation: Shortcuts to the Future”, this minicourse aims at presenting and discussing the current and future wireless and mobile technologies, and opportunities to develop software, services, and applications in those areas.


Este trabalho foi financiado parcialmente pelo CNPq.

Resumo Computacao m´ vel e um paradigma computacional que tem como objetivo prover ao ¸˜ o ´ usu´


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