Falkland islands

737 palavras 3 páginas
Falkland Islands

How to get there Travelling to the Falkland Islands is easier than people might think. Using International Tour Operators or Independent travel are options that can be made by Sea or Air. By Air, South American based flight company LAN, gives service by two flight routes that provides regular and convenient access to the Islands. The international airport is based at Mount Pleasant Military Complex, approximately 37 miles from Stanley - the capital city of the Falklands. By Sea, Each year thousands of tourists make the journey to the Falklands onboard a cruise ship or expedition vessel. This increasingly popular method of travel allows people to visit many sites that remain largely inaccessible to land-based tourists in the Falklands, all from the comfort and safety of a world-class vessel.

Best time to visit
The best time of year to visit the Falkland Islands is during the Austral Summer, particularly between the months of December to February. This is the peak of wildlife activity and, usually, the warmest time of the year.
Visits outside these times are also rewarding. Elephant seal pubs are at their most adorable in October/November whilst in March/April “Magellanic” penguins pack some beaches, ready for their long-haul journeys overseas, making a spectacular sight. Winter days are often crisp and clear with bright blue skies - perfect for walking the hills. Important events including the May Ball and Liberation Day are held in winter, offering a glimpse of local culture.

Where to Stay Wherever you choose to stay in the Falkland Islands you will receive a warm welcome from your hosts. Falkland Islanders are proud of their heritage and keen to show visitors the sights and sounds that make the Islands such a special destination.
The capital city, Stanley, boasts a variety of home stay choices where guests stay in private rooms in a Falkland Island home, hotels and hostel style lodgings. Elsewhere in the Islands visitors can


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