Ensino dos fundamentos sociológicos da educação: pressupostos e metodologias

571 palavras 3 páginas
BBC Learning English
Words in the News
6th July 2011
Space shuttle's final mission
The US space shuttle Atlantis will blast off for the last time on Friday 8 July ending NASA's 30year programme.
Four crew members will be dropping off a year's worth of supplies at the International Space
Station. They'll be in orbit for 12 days and travel 6.5 million kilometres during the sortie.
In total, 355 astronauts will have flown on the shuttle since the inaugural mission in 1981.

Vocabulary blast off: launch, take off like a rocket dropping off: delivering in orbit: in a position in space, going around the earth sortie: mission inaugural: first in a series of important events or activities

More on this story: Nasa fixes final shuttle launch date


Watch this video online: Space shuttle's final mission


Words in the News

© British Broadcasting Corporation 2011
Page 1 of 3 bbclearningenglish.com Exercise
Use one of the words or phrases below to complete each of these sentences from a BBC news report. Note that you may have to change the form of a word to complete the sentence correctly. blast off / dropping off / in orbit / sortie / inaugural

Their work will ensure the good "housekeeping" of the satellites, including the maintenance and correct positioning of the spacecraft __________ .

Speaking at an event in Dakar, Senegal, Luc Gnacadja - a UN desertification expert - said the
___________ Africa Drylands Week had ended with a very simple, yet stark, message.

Mr Tito ___________ on 28 April 2001, but only after a struggle to get anyone to take him the US space agency NASA refused on the grounds that he was not a trained astronaut, so it was the Russians who facilitated the trip.

A recycling barn will also be set up for festival goers to _______ cans, bottles and packaging.

Nato says it has carried out over six thousand __________ over Libya since


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