Discuss the main causes of conflict, with reference to a region of your choice: rwanda, an overview

1684 palavras 7 páginas
This essay aims to discuss the main causes of the contemporary conflict also identified as ‘new wars’ having as reference a region of choice. Having that in consideration, characteristics and consequences will be analysed and for a better understanding it will brought into light an overview over a case study, Rwanda.
Contemporary conflicts or ‘new wars’, emerged as internal conflicts and not States wars more significantly since the end of the Cold War. It is estimated that one third of the world’s population is exposed to armed conflict. Although, violent conflict is not confined to a specific part of the globe, a disproportionate number of conflicts take place in countries in development.
Contemporary conflicts can be caused by different issues, however, these can fall subdivided under unlimited number of factors: land disputes, ethnical, politic, religious or cultural differences, distribution and use of resources, to name a few. Most of conflicts are caused by a combination of factors therefore, is difficult to underline dominant or less dominant factors. (Nafziger, Stuart & Väyrynen, 2000).With the end of the Cold War the world had high expectations over a global peace establishment, the so called ‘New World Order’. Unfortunately, this never came to fulfilment due to multiple factors in many recent independent States. On the contrary, since the end of the Cold War more conflicts occurred in this new ‘societies in transition’. These conflicts started being identified as tribal belonging, or for instance, ethnical or religious disputes but soon became evident that its essence was more of political dispute whereas these issues were used to masquerade the real matter. Many of these States, had pro socialist/communist political approach, and now, using violence as instrument, to their political objective –to secure or sustain power- seek for power and economical gain. (Nafziger, Stuart & Väyrynen, 2000)
Poverty also, is pointed out as a cause for contemporary


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