Desenvolvedor de sistemas junior

70706 palavras 283 páginas
Praise for the Sun Certified Programmer & Developer for Java 2 Study Guide "Kathy Sierra is one of the few people in the world who can make complicated things seem damn simple. And as if that isn't enough, she can make boring things seem interesting. I always look forward to reading whatever Kathy writes—she's one of my favorite authors." —Paul Wheaton, Trail Boss "Who better to write a Java study guide than Kathy Sierra, the reigning queen of Java instruction? Kathy Sierra has done it again—here is a study guide that almost guarantees you a certification!" —James Cubeta, Systems Engineer, SGI "The thing I appreciate most about Kathy is her quest to make us all remember that we are teaching people and not just lecturing about Java. Her passion and desire for the highest quality education that meets the needs of the individual student is positively unparalleled at SunEd. Undoubtedly there are hundreds of students who have benefited from taking Kathy's classes." —Victor Peters, founder Next Step Education & Software Sun Certified Java Instructor "I want to thank Kathy for the EXCELLENT Study Guide. The book is well written, every concept is clearly explained using a real life example, and the book states what you specifically need to know for the exam. The way it's written, you feel that you're in a classroom and someone is actually teaching you the difficult concepts, but not in a dry, formal manner. The questions at the end of the chapters are also REALLY good, and I am sure they will help candidates pass the test. Watch out for this Wickedly Smart book." —Alfred Raouf, Web Solution Developer "The Sun Certification exam was certainly no walk in the park, but Kathy's material allowed me to not only pass the exam, but Ace it!" —Mary Whetsel, Sr. Technology Specialist, Application Strategy and Integration, The St. Paul Companies "Bert has an uncanny and proven ability to synthesize complexity into simplicity offering a guided tour into learning what's


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