
359 palavras 2 páginas
Science fiction is often defined as a literary genre that includes fictional stories, but we intend to fantasize about something as possible, even though it is not at present. However, science fiction can be present in stories, movies, books and so on. belonging to another genre like romance, horror, action. Just consider the Hollywood blockbusters like Alien and Predator classified as horror films, but have a lot of science fiction.
Anyway, the precursors of science fiction were, without a doubt: H. G. Wells and Jules Verne vying match to match the title of "Father of Science Fiction" and Mary Shelley, the mother of this genre that requires unquestioned heads open and zero bias for the assessment of new and bold ideas.

Were H. G. Wells, for example, the first stories about time travel (The Time Machine), extraterrestrial invasions (War of the Worlds) and superheroes (The Invisible Man), although the latter type of stories get confused a bit with the fantastic fictions (when the writer or writer, with every right, "travels in mayonnaise" and creates stories or situations that are proven to not be real, or where, at least, there is the concern of affirming the feasibility of these real events) and has rooted in mythological stories as Hercules. Jules Verne, in turn, opened the stories about trips out of the earth (Trip to the Moon) and spectacular trips right here on earth (Journey to the Center of the Earth and Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea), and Mary Shelley, the stories about creatures special or monstrosities (Frankenstein).

H. G. Wells seems to win the match with the highest number of influences, but is that Verner arrived first. Anyway, the fact is that science fiction is always side by side with science. In 1865, for example, Jules Verne took man to the moon. As NASA did in 1969 with Neil Armstrong.

The term "science fiction" emerged in 1929 from the ideas of Hugo Gernsback, the same that created the legendary "Amazing Stories", a


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