Apostila de eletrônica em inglês

17443 palavras 70 páginas
Electronic English
1- Definitions In describing the composition of matter, the following terms are important for you to remember: MATTER is defined as anything that occupies space and has weight. AN ELEMENT is a substance which cannot be reduced to a simpler substance by chemical means. A COMPOUND is a chemical combination of elements which can be separated by chemical means, but not by physical means. It is created by chemically combining two or more elements. A MIXTURE is a combination of elements or compounds that can be separated by physical means. A MOLECULE is the chemical combination of two or more atoms. In a compound, the molecule is the smallest particle that has all the characteristics of the compound. AN ATOM is the smallest particle of an element that retains the characteristics of that element. An atom is made up of electrons, protons, and neutrons. The number and arrangement of these subatomic particles determine the kind of element. AN ELECTRON is considered to be a negative charge of electricity. A PROTON is considered to be a positive charge of electricity. A NEUTRON is a neutral particle in that it has no electrical charge. ENERGY in an electron is of two types - kinetic (energy of motion) and potential (energy of position). ENERGY LEVELS of the electron exist because the electron has mass and motion. The motion gives it kinetic energy and its position gives it potential energy. Energy balance keeps the electron in orbit and should it gain energy it will assume an orbit further from the center of the atom. It will remain at that level for only a fraction of a second before it radiates the excess energy and goes back to a lower orbit. SHELLS AND SUBSHELLS of electrons are the orbits of the electrons in the atom. Each shell contains a maximum of 2 times its number squared electrons. Shells are lettered K through Q, starting with K, which is the closest to


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