5147 palavras 21 páginas
Aplicação de argila expandida para utilização na construção de lagoas aeradas
Application of expanded clay for use in construction of aerated lagoons.
Flávia de Melo Brandão1; Heber de Tarsis² ; Ivan Lucas Rocha Guimarães³; Leandro Melo de Andrade Lima4; Nilson Gomes Moreira de Matos5; Ricardo Carvalho da Silva6; Roselene Machado Barroso7; Roseli Machado Barroso8; Thiago Soares da Cruz 9
Prof. Janaina10 (Orientadora)
Centro Universitário de Belo Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, MG
1flavinham_b@hotmail.com; 2heber.tarsis25@gmail.com; 3ivanlucas_@hotmail.com; 4llima14@hotmail.com; 5nilsinhomatos@hotmail.com; 6ricardo@precasa.com.br; 7roselenemach@yahoo.com.br; 8rosemachadobarroso@gmail.com; 9thiago_12@hotmail.com; 10janaina.aparecida@prof.unibh.br
Resumo: O lançamento indiscriminado de esgotos domésticos é um dos maiores problemas ambientais e de saúde pública. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo estudar o processo de tratamento de esgoto através de lagoas de estabilização do tipo aeróbia e, por meio deste estudo, aplicar ao sistema construtivo da lagoa a argila expandida em substituição à brita na mistura do concreto.

Abstract: The indiscriminate dumping of domestic sewage is a major environmental problems and public health. Therefore, this paper aims to study the process of sewage treatment through aerobic type stabilization ponds. The purpose of the treatment technique is to remove pollutants from sewage, which would cause a deterioration in the quality of water bodies and the possibility of disease transmission. To obtain represent oxygen within the pond was placed a submerged motor pump 127V, 2W flow and consumption 60-170 l / h. In search of cost reduction, tried to replace the gravel by expanded clay. Aeration had a satisfactory result, but must adopt more power to the pump. The use of expanded clay to replace the gravel was not satisfactory, since the viability of this is higher than the gravel. This is due to expanded clay not be as usual in the
