O movimento dial tico a dor e o sofrimento

8734 palavras 35 páginas
Revista Eletrônica Estudos Hegelianos
Ano 5, nº9, Dezembro-2008: 59-74

O movimento dialético: a dor e o sofrimento na
Fenomenologia do Espírito
Sônia Maria Schio

Palavras-chave: Consciência, Dor, Sofrimento, Desejo, Movimento dialético.
Abstract: In a society that values the pleasure, the comfort, the amusement, to affirm that there is a conception for overcome the negative in which the spirit needs to accomplish an effort that is made painfully is, in the minimum, surprised. According to Jean Wahl, one interpretation sustain that the dialectic process holds the mentioned painfully characteristic. Another possible interpretation, according to him, sustain that the engine of the dialectic movement be the desire. According to the last perspective, it is interesting to investigate both, under the speculative point of view, but also with relationship to its philosophical and social present time importance, if the conscience overcomes the negative toward the absolute spirit without the contradictions, being that either the desire or the sufferance. Aiming to address this issue, three are the capital moments that must be presented: first the one of the illusion of the conscience and the obtaining of the sensitive certainty; second the dialect of the servant and master and the research of the unhappy conscience; third the one in which the self-awareness penetrates in the world of culture.
Key-words: Conscience, Pain, Suffering, Desire, Dialectic movement.

A dialética do “esforço doloroso” e a do “desejo” encontram-se disseminadas na literatura da área. Rapidamente pode-se ilustrar a questão:
Denis Rosenfield (2002, p. 46), afirma que “no início do percurso, a substância aparece sob as formas mais simples da consciência imediata e, graças a um árduo e penoso trabalho – o das figuras, o do esforço da civilização -, se alça progressivamente à sua concepção de si”. Outro exemplo pode ser encontrado no exposto por Goddard (1998, p. 64): “Hegel define a potência do


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