Writing difficulties in teaching learning process

8530 palavras 35 páginas
Introduction The teaching of English in basic education has been gaining a lot of controversy for many decades, especially in public schools. However, it is unquestionable the importance of this language. The need to learn a second language, from the mid-twentieth century, has become essential due to globalization and the World Wide Huge Information Technology. Communication among people from different countries has become indispensable. For this and other reasons, the teaching of foreign languages in schools has being intensified over the years. However, note that not all people have ease in acquiring a second language fluently.
For learning a language, there are four skills that people need for real communication. When we learn our native language, we usually learn to listen first, then to speak, then to read, and finally to write. These are called the four "language skills": listening, speaking, reading and writing. These skills are essential for the communication process and can make a huge difference to your affectivity in the work place, social situations and your personal life. Being good at only one of these communicative skills will not help you to smooth away any difficulties which arise during a communication process, or solve future problems or successfully achieve objectives which essentially derive from effective communication, i.e. learning, presenting, and holding a successful meeting. Each skill is equally vital as each is interrelated. Each macro skill is made up of a combination of micro skills, for example, writing consists of spelling, speaking of vocabulary etc. As mentioned in the examples. Learning and consistently seeking to improve these four macro skills are important for self-development, effective communication and success in many different environments and contexts.
Writing has for many years, even centuries, occupied a large place in teaching and learning procedures in school. To be literate has implied to read and


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