
30463 palavras 122 páginas
Filling the Gap in the Intermediate Cello Repertoire: One Teacher Composes a Solution by Lisa Rebecca Caravan

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Musical Arts

Supervised by Dr. Donna Brink Fox, Ph. D. Music Education Department Eastman School of Music

University of Rochester Rochester, New York


ii CURRICULUM VITAE Lisa Caravan was born in Oswego, New York on June 27, 1977. She attended the Esther Boyer College of Music and Dance at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA from 1996-2000. She graduated summa cum laude, earning a Bachelor of Music degree in Music Education and Music Performance in violoncello, studying primarily with Jeffrey Solow. After graduation, Lisa moved to the Rochester, NY area, to begin teaching for the Fairport Central Schools as a string instrumental music teacher. After four years of teaching grade 4-9, Lisa entered a Master of Music (2007) degree in Performance and Literature in violoncello at Eastman School of Music studying with Alan Harris. In her second year of her degree Lisa auditioned successfully for the Orchestral Studies Program and had the opportunity to play in the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra for two years. In 2007 Lisa remained at Eastman School of Music to pursue a Doctor of Music Arts in Music Education. As a teaching assistant in the music education department, she supervised student teachers and assisted with string teacher preparation courses. Lisa is the first recipient of the Donald Shelter Music Education Prize (2009) and received Eastman's Teaching Assistant Prize for Excellence in Teaching (2011). During her residence in Rochester, Lisa taught at the Kanack Suzuki School of Music and Hochstein School of Music and Dance, and maintained a private studio for cellists of various ages. Lisa performed extensively throughout New York and

iii held the assistant principal position of the Binghamton Philharmonic Orchestra in Binghamton, NY from 2006-2011.


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