Tutorial c#

419 palavras 2 páginas
C# Tutorial PDF
C# (pronounced see sharp) and often written as CSharp or C Sharp, is a modern programming language created for the .NET framework by Microsoft. The syntax is inspired by several languages, the most notable being C/C++.

Learning C# is not very hard, but you need a good resource. On this site, you can purchase everything you need to learn C#, in one single PDF file. With a PDF file, you can read through the entire tutorial on your PC, your laptop, your tablet or even your phone, and you can read it no matter if you're online or offline.

What you get
When buying the comlete C# tutorial as PDF, you get all of the following:

■100 pages of information
All the information you need to master the C# language
■145 code samples
All chapters comes with several code samples, showing you how to use the various controls and techniques
Why learn C#?
C# is a great programming language and you can use it to create anything from Windows applications, including Windows 8 and Windows Store apps, to websites and webservices.

Since C# is similar to C-inspired languages like Java and JavaScript, learning C# will also make it easier to learn other programming languages.

Table of contents
Here's the complete table of contents - you get all of this information when buying the complete C# Tutorial PDF file:
■Visual C# Express
■Hello, world!
■Hello world explained
■Data types
■The if statement
■The switch statement
■The while loop
■The do loop
■The for loop
■The foreach loop
■Function parameters
■The ref modifier
■The out modifier
■The params modifier
■Introduction to C# classes
■Constructors and destructors
■Method overloading
■Static members
■Abstract classes
■More abstract classes
■Introduction to debugging
■Stepping through the code
■The tool windows
■Call Stack


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