Trabalho de ingles

596 palavras 3 páginas
Work of English.
Translate the texts and answer the questions.
1. The world is wet globe
Geography is the study of the Earth’s futures – it’s mountains and plain, rivers and seas , deserts and forest , and climates. Geographers explore measure, map and report these features.
To do this, today’s geographers are helped by, such tads as computers and satellite photography.
Photography taken from space confirms what early geographers discovered: the world is a globe, and two Thirds of its surface is covered by water.

Responda em português:
a)Dos acidentes geográficos mencionados no texto (mountains and plains, rivers and seas, deserts and Forest ) ; indique aquele onde é encontrada a menor quantidade de água. R: Montanhas e Planícies.
b) Com que instrumentos contam os geógrafos de hoje em seu trabalho? R: Computadores e imagens de satélites.
c) Justifique o titulo do texto. R: O titulo diz que a terra é um globo molhado , porque a maioria da superfície da terra é composta por água.
d) Quanto da superfície do planeta é coberta por água. R: Dois terços. 2. The science of substances.
Chemistry is the science of substances their composition and properties, and how they interact and change. It is at the basics of science, and it is part of everyday life.
In the 17:00s, Antoine Lavoisier of France set standards for experiments and created a system naming chemist. And in the 18:00s , British chemist John Dalton offered the first clear explanation of an atomic theory. Elements such as lead and gold he said are the most basic substances. Each is formed by unique atoms. The atoms don’t change. But they can combine to form compounds.
Today chemistry has many important uses. It helps fight disease, control pollution, increase the of food and improve modern life in many different ways.

Responda em Português:
a)O que é que a química estuda? R: Química é a ciência das substâncias, suas composições e propriedades, e como elas interagem e mudam.


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