The problem of segmentation in the labor of construction industry in brazil and quality, health and safety practices at work

2557 palavras 11 páginas
Abstract –This study observe that the handcraft man who works in construction of buildings - specifically in the sub-sector at the city of Rio de Janeiro, acts fractionated (not full) losing the sense of body, contrary to its own existence as a system. Is the segmentation of the technique in all stages of a work production, the handcraft worker learns and perform part of their tasks through a traditional model of experiential learning, giving to others professionals the task of complement them, as they do not been intrinsic parts of all. This segmentation, partially undermines the paradigm of division of labor of the North American engineer Frederick W. Taylor, and has been one of the important factors that guide the causes of accidents and diseases at work, with consequences for the low quality of products and the environment (QSEH).

Keywords: Segmentation of the Work; Construction; QSEH.


The industry of construction in Brazil, as well as other sectors of the Brazilian economy, is undergoing a significant process of productive restructuring in recent years.
The handcraft workers in these industries have a little technical evolution, in the way they organize, produce and learn the craft, regardless of company size or form of binding that has this handcraft worker.
Beyond the characteristics and traditional forms of production of the industry of construction, and by the necessity of these workers has been absorbed in a shorter period, with the minimum quality required, this sector has adopted the Taylorist model, subdividing the professional activities - traditionally performed by those who knew the techniques of production of almost all stages of a work.
This natural division of the work steps, and a lack of sufficient constructions to absorb these workers favored the high turnover, of the handcraft workers making it almost disposable and generating disinterest on the part of the employer and the worker himself, for investments in


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