The boss

1769 palavras 8 páginas
“The boss is only one-half of the relationship. You are the other half.” (“Managing Your Boss” by John Gabarro)
Before you have some relation with your boss, or with your coworkers, you have to understand very well yourself. You have to know your own needs, strengths, weaknesses, and personal style. This is the most important thing to begin in the right way.
If you don´t know yourself, your capacities, it will be very bad for you. If you don´t know yourself, you can´t trust you, and if you can´t trust you, your boss also can´t trust you.
To do a good job, you have to be fine with yourself, and for that you have to know all about you.
Your first step in work´s life it´s very important for your career, you have to do well in your interview. This interview is very important, because here you obtain the points of your future work, clarify your doubts about how will gone be this work. It´s fundamental to go prepared, to know what to speak, and never to be greedy, it´s essential to be realist. In this case “CARIBBEAN FOODS LIMITED, TRINIDAD” mark had a interview for CFL, and he after this interview he carried way for the all excited by the possibility of a new challenge at a higher position and a very good salary. And he didn´t took this interview to know exactly what will be his paper in that company, when he get the job, a few days later, he was disappointed and disillusioned because this not happened how he expected. So you have to stay very well informed about your job in the interview, before you get the job, you have to ask all that you need to know.
The best four thinks that you can do to get a better relationship with my boss, it´s de four p’s:

1. Perspective:
This is very important for you, you have to be aware, and you have to know all that is around you, all the company and the people that work with you. You have to learn how the things work, it´s better for you if you stay in a job for at least one cycle, to understand how all the things


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