Teoria da contábil

3538 palavras 15 páginas

Accounting according to the story existed since antiquity with rudimentary principles, appearing along with the stories of civilizations. The same comes well ahead of time when man lived by hunting and fishing. The methods were very different from today, because they wore leaves, pieces of bone and small stones of various sizes. Over the centuries man learned to domesticate animals and grow crops disrupting community life, from every person that created their wealth individual, and when he died his legacy was bequeathed to the children and relatives. It created the term heritage. Around 2000 BC were the first records equity in Mesopotamia were thus emerging markets based on the exchange of goods for another. As the man began to acquire greater quantity of goods started to worry as you would to increase their poses and how they could surrender. It appearing to the need to control their property because the pioneer private administrations, which could not be done without proper registration in order to give an account of the thing given. The accounting was an important fact of history, man has reason evolving so rapidly drawing to a capitalist world.

A Origem da Contabilidade………………………………………………..................…….05
Os primeiros sinais que evidenciam a existência da Contabilidade na antiguidade........05
A evolução da Contabilidade desde os primeiros registros até as partidas dobradas......05
1. Qual o objetivo da contabilidade?.....................................................................................06
2. Quais seus principais usuários e suas necessidades?.......................................................07
3. Quais as características qualitativas das demonstrações contábeis?.............................07
Relatorios Da Diretoria..........................................................................................................08


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