Tecnologia e organizacao do trabalho da enfermagem

6689 palavras 27 páginas

Information technology and hospital care: reflection on the meaning of the work

Cláudia Maria Barboza Machado Fonseca 1
Mônica Loureiro dos Santos 2


Hospital Universitário
Clementino Fraga Filho,
Divisão de Enfermagem,
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Avenida
Brigadeiro Trompowsky s/ nº, Cidade Universitária,
Ilha do Fundão. 21941-902
Rio de Janeiro RJ. cmbmf@uol.com.br 2
Faculdade de Medicina,
Núcleo de Estudos de Saúde
Coletiva, Universidade
Federal do Rio de Janeiro.

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to present the experience of nurses since the introduction of information technology in hospital work processes. It analyzes the meaning of information technology within the subjectivity and perception of healthcare in nursing work in a general hospital.
As a theoretical background, it takes studies of work psychodynamics/psychopathology, referred to healthcare work processes and their repercussions on worker health. This qualitative inquiry strives to understand the significance of this subject in nursing routines. The field research was based on semi-structured interviews and nonsystematic observation of some nursing activities, noting some resistance to change among the nurses, with difficulties in organizing the work and introducing them to new ways of handling their tasks. Faced by a machine, they feel trapped and isolated. This leads to the conclusion that the implementation of information technology interferes significantly in the work processes of the nurses participating in this study, and may adversely affect their health in the future.
Key words Subjectivity, Information technology, Nursing care, Work organization, Collective health Resumo O objetivo deste artigo é discutir a vivência da enfermeira a partir da introdução da informatização no processo de trabalho hospitalar. Tem por objeto o significado da informatização na subjetividade e da percepção de saúde no trabalho da


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