Teaching literature or teaching students? by elizabeth bernhardt.

295 palavras 2 páginas
Teaching Literature or teaching students? By Elizabeth Bernhardt.

Elizabeth Bernhardt tells about two key questions in her article: Literature teaching and teaching students. There is a great discussion about the Literature teaching in classroom, because we know how that experience is important for the people outside classroom. That will help on the development of the sensibility to understand the meaning of some written material. But for this teach the teacher must be able to identify ways to know the students needs. Then comes the question, how does it have success in literature teaching? We know the English books have little or any text about literature, so it stays more difficult to work, although most of the teachers are not prepare for the teaching. According Elizabeth for a good teaching of the literature, teachers should accept that there is no right or wrong, better or worse methodology or method to accomplish our goals as teacher, because what the teachers must know is that there is different ways to teach the literature. Many times the methodology only prepares is not the way that the students learn, then the teacher must understand that is necessary to know the students and apply the method that the students learn better. Bernhardt (1995) mentioned three points that we as language and literature instructors should consider which could be comprehended as: The objective of the curriculum should be clear for everybody involved in it; Motivate – through positive support and experiences – the students to develop their literacy skills; students deserve our attention to meet their linguistic needs as well as building their self-confidence. For the literature teaching is important comprehends these three points, because the objective must be clear for everyone to get involved, generating motivation and interest for the


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