Tcc odontologia

343 palavras 2 páginas
This work seeks to evidence the crystals of hemina present in the human blood, using the technique proc1aimed by Teichmann, through the use of the glacial acetic acid and, using the same technique, comparing to the crystals of hemina of domestic animals (dog, cat and chicken) which possess a larger familiarity with men, observing its color, form, size and angles with the aim of noticing possible differences that may exist, among the internal angles of the hemina crystals, of the human blood from the blood of the researched animals.
For the development of this work samples of human blood were picked up in places of crimes and during the necropsy non identified of corpes in the Legal Medical Department of Vitória; samples which were used for the obtaining of the hemina crystals, by the technique of Teichmann through the chemical reaction of the hemoglobin for the acetic acid and its internal angles were measured.

With a veterinary doctor s collaboration, samples of chicken, dog and cat bloods were picked up, and being used this same Teichmann s technique, the originated crystals also had their internal angles measured and compared with the angles of the crystals of the human blood, in the attempt of differing the animal species through the internal angles of the crystals.

They were selected about twenty-five samples of each animal species and of people victims of people victims of violent deaths, all adults.

Results showed that: The technique of obtaining the hemina crystals doesn t differentiate, morphologically, human blood from the blood of other researched animals.

The comparative analysis made in the internal angles of the formed crystals, as much ín the human blood as ín the blood of the animais studied, doesn t differentiate one blood from the other.

The presence of the Teichmann s crystals in the human blood is a proof that it is real blood, in blood samples and in blood stains collected in the scenes of crime; however it doesn t differentiate


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