Tarefa 1 V

6958 palavras 28 páginas
ABSTRACT This paper contains the description of the process used for selecting a platform for petroleum exploration.

Starting from a given set of requirements, such as field location (Gulf of Mexico), depth, type of the well, and etc, a deep analysis of the environmental conditions, the infra structure of the place where the wells took place, and the existing options of systems were made in order to choose the three most suitable options for this situation.

Once the options were analyzed, a decision matrix was used to quantify the viability of each of the systems considered, making the decision process much more direct.

During the work, a number of references were consulted for theoretical reasons. these references are listed at the end of this report.

Lista de abreviaturas
SS: Semi-submersível
BLS: Buoyant leg structure
FPSO: Floating, production, storage and offloading
FSO: Floating, storage and offloading vessel
TLP: Tension leg platform
SCR: Steel catenary riser
DDS: Deep draft semi-submersible
EDS: Extended draft semi-submersible

Índice de Figuras
Figura 2.1 Golfo do México 5
Figura 2.2 - Malha de gasodutos no Golfo do México 6
Figura 3.1 Exemplo de Semi Submersível 7
Figura 3.2 - Exemplo de uma EDS 8
Figura 3.3 Exemplo de uma FPSO 9
Figura 3.4 Frequência Natural das Principais Plataformas (http://legacy.sname.org/sections/texas/Meetings/2008/November%20Luncheon/MONOBR.pdf) 10
Figura 3.5 Exemplo de TLP (GHOST, CHOU e HUANG, 1982) 12
Figura 3.6 - Desenho de uma TLP de perfuração com seu sistema de ancoragem (GHOST, CHOU e HUANG, 1982). 13
Figura 3.7 - Mose TLP (http://www.offshoremoorings.org/moorings/2007/Group%20C/moorings_TLP/mooringssite/principle/Conventional%20and%20Mini-TLP.html.html) 14
Figura 3.8 Exemplo de Mono coluna 15
Figura 3.9 Exemplo de SPAR 16
Figura 3.10 - Detalhe do cilindro 16
Figura 3.11 Exemplo de Truss-SPAR 17
Figura 3.12 - Representação esquemática de duas BLS (SHAVER, CAPANOGLU e SERRAHN, 2011) 18


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