Simple past of verbs

889 palavras 4 páginas
1) Complete as sentenças abaixo com o past tense dos verbos entre parênteses: a) I __________________ (study) Portuguese yesterday. b) She ________________ (play) basketball last week. c) I am_________________ (worry) about my mother. d) You _________________ (like) the movie. e) He __________________ (call) me.
2) Marque X na resposta correta: 1) “I played tennis” significa: a) Ele jogou tênis. b) Ela joga tênis. c) Eu joguei tênis. 2) “Lucas danced axé” significa: a) Lucas dançou lambada. b) Lucas dançou axé c) Lucas dança axé. 3) “You loved me” significa: a) Você me ama. b) Você me amou. c) Eu te amo. 3) Complete with the simple past and change to interrogative and to negative forms. a- She (go) _____________________ to Salinas yesterday.

INT: _________________________________________

NEG: ________________________________________

b- The boys (play) _________________ well last night.

INT: _________________________________________

NEG: ________________________________________

c- Peter (study) __________________ hard last week.

INT: _________________________________________

NEG: ________________________________________

d- My father (buy) ____________________ a new car last year.

INT: _________________________________________

NEG: ________________________________________

e- She (be) ______________________ my English teacher.

INT: _________________________________________

NEG: ________________________________________

f- The sudents (be) _______________ so excited for the test.

INT: _________________________________________

NEG: ________________________________________

Text 2 - What did you do all day? I work for a newspaper. I usually go to work by car. Sometimes, however, I go by bus. I like riding on


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