4052 palavras 17 páginas

1. Before you start, make sure you have all the materials needed:

- 100 gram of Mimosa Hostilis rootbark powder (MHRB)
- 250 ml naphtha
- 150 gram of lye (NaOH, caustic soda)
- 2 litre mason jar (a glass pickle jar will work also) or wide mouth HDPE jug
- 2 small glass (mason) jars (~0.5L)
- Guard
- Metal spoon
- Sheet of A4 paper
- Eye dropper/pipette
- Freezer
2. Dissolve 150 grams of lye in 1.5 litre of (tap) water in a large glass jar. It is advised to wear safety goggles and gloves, as lye is a very aggressive substance that can cause burns and blindness. Add the lye in two or three steps, and allow the liquid to cool down in between.
3. When the water with added lye has cooled down and is clear again, it is time to add the powdered mimosa bark. Add the powder slowly while stirring all the time. After adding the 100 grams of mimosa, leave the brew to stand for about an hour.
4. Add 100 ml of naphta and put the lid on the jar.
5. Gently turn the jar end over end for about 5 minutes. It is important not to shake or splash. After 5 minutes, put the jar down for some minutes and repeat the agitating process two more times.
6. After a short period two separate layers will be distinguishable. Separate the upper layer (naphta) using a pipette or eyedropper. It is important that none of the dark solution is collected.
7. Again, add 100 to 150 ml naphta to the large jar, and repeat the previous two steps two more times. Separate the upper layer in a new jar
8. Put the collection jars in the freezer.
9. After 24 hour the jars can be taken from the freezer. Carefully drain the naphta, making sure any floating crystals remain in the jar. Scoop out the white crystals from the side of the jar using a spoon, and leave them to dry on a folded piece of A4 paper.
10. After drying, crush any lumps up. The three pulls combined will result in 500-1000 mg pure DMT crystals.
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