Saúde do trabalhador no sus

11566 palavras 47 páginas

O desafio de implementar as ações de saúde do trabalhador no SUS: a estratégia da RENA S T The ch a llenge of implementing Workers’ Health actions in the Brazilian National Health System (SUS): The RENAST

Elizabeth Costa Dias 1 Maria da Graça Hoefel 2

1 CESTEH/Fiocruz. Av. Leopo l do Bulhões 1480, M n g u i n h o s , 21041-210, a Rio de Ja n ei ro RJ. bet h d i a s @ ensp. f i oc ru z . br 2 Coordenação de Sa ú de do Trabalhador COSAT/DA PE / S A S , M n i s t é rio da Sa ú de . i

Ab s tract This paper deals with the “m odel” of wo rkers’ health care del ivery ba sed on the stra tegy of a Na tional Netwo rk for Co m preh en s ive Workers’ Health Care (RENAST), which is under co n s truction within the Na tional Health System (SUS) in Bra z i l . RENAST is a national netwo rk of inform a tion and health pra ctices, developed with the main pu rpose of providing health care acti o n , health su rvei ll a n ce and health pro m oti o n a ctions, at the primary health care level , medium and high complexity outpatient clinics and hospital level, under social co n trol. Acco rding to this “m od el ”, “Workers’ Health Reference Centers” pl ay a role of te chnical su ppo rt, and dissem i n ation of a “c u l tu re” of the co re role pl ayed by wo rk in the health/dise a se pro ce s s , and the “culture” of social production of disease. Also, these “Reference Cen ters” h ave to pl ay a vital role in negotiations and political/institutional arra n gements with ot h er so cial acto rs, both within the Health Secto r and with ot h er insti tu tional acto rs, within thei r geographic jurisdiction. This paper includes a bri ef summary of Wo rkers’ Health inception and developm ent in the Na tional Health System (SUS) of B razil; some crucial opera tional aspe cts of this development process; and, finally, some adva n cem ents, difficulties and perspectives for this new model, based on the RENAST. Key word s Workers’ health, Workers’ health care, Occupational health


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