Running benefits

308 palavras 2 páginas

* Running is for free. You don´t need to pay a gym, a club or anything similar. All you need is a tennis and willpower!! In addition you're the boss. You run whenever you want, wherever you want and as fast as you want.

Running brings happiness. It releases endorphins wich is a hormony that provokes feelings of pleasure, well-being and joy. Some people say that the sensation caused by the liberation of this hormone is like listening to a exciting song or falling in love!!

Running postpones aging. It increases cardiorespiratory fitness, strengthens the cardiovascular system, drecreases by half the risk of heart diseases, reduces by 40% the chance of developing osteoporosis, oxygenates the brain and the mind becomes faster, stimulates collagen production, which prevents premature wrinkles, and provides a deeper sleep.

Running reduces belly fat. Actually, all the aerobic exercises helps to reduce belly fat but a strong half an hour run makes you expend more calories than riding a bike or play tennis at the same time.

Running Improve your sex life. Studies have found a direct correlation between physical inactivity and a lack of potency. Runners have the same sexual performance of a 5 years old younger man and a 30% lower risk of impotence. And for the women, running also delay menopause for a period of 5 years and increases the libido.

Running helps you burn fat while resting. Some researches indicated that 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous activity, like running, would nearly double the afterburn . In other words, you burn fat even when you are just watching tv or sleeping.

Running is democratic. No matter your age or your physical type. Everyone can run. And no matter if you're the fastest or the slowest. The important is to get over yourself and overthrow obstacles!!
So, let’s


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