585 palavras 3 páginas
1ª Guerra Mundial
Máskara de Ferro
Meu medo é de seguir a direção errada,
De não saber qual é a estrada
De acabar minha vida sem ser aproveitada.
E não sei aonde seguir
O meu corpo já não quer mais fingir
Que sabe pra onde ir.
Se com você eu for competir
Mil respostas vão surgir,
Eu não tenho medo, nem tenho segredo.

Quero que meus inimigos vivam
Pra aplaudir de pé a minha vitória
Pois vou vencer essa história.

O medo governa aqueles que são
Fracos o bastante para aceitá-los,
Não vou nem julgá-los por suas atitudes
Eu quero viver, a minha vida é vencer.

Pack Up Your Troubles
Murray Johnson

Private Perks is a funny little codger
With a smile, a funny smile.
Five feet none, He's an artful little dodger,
With a smile, a sunny smile.
Flush or broke, he'll have his little joke,
He can't be suppressed.
All the other fellows have to grin,
When he gets this off his chest, Hi!

Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag,
And smile, smile, smile!
While you've a Lucifer to light your fag,
Smile, Boys, thats the style.
What's the use of worrying?
It never was worth while.
So, pack up your troubles in your old kit bag,
And smile, smile, smile! Private Perks went a-marching into Flanders,
With a smile, his funny smile.
He was lov'd by the privates and commanders
For his smile, his sunny smile.
When a throng of Bosches came along,
With a mighty swing,
Perks yell'd out, "This little bunch is mine!
Keep your heads down boys and sing", Hi! Chorus
Private Perks he came back from Bosche shooting,
With his smile, his funny smile.
Round his home he then set about recruiting,
With his smile, his sunny smile.
He told all his pals, the short, the tall,
What a time he'd had,
And as each enlisted like a man,
Private Perks said "Now my lad," Hi!

Empacote seus problemas
Murray Johnson
Perks, o arrogante, é uma pessoa excêntrica, engraçada
Com um sorriso,


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