Positive and negatives aspects of television

467 palavras 2 páginas
Positives and Negatives Aspects of Television
• Television is popular among people of various age groups. This also includes children, who are perhaps the main prospects of television.
• The effect of television on children can be broadly categorized into mainly two: a positive effect and a negative one.
• Today, children who grow up with the television have more tendencies to spend their time watching television. According to the American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry, now, American children “watch an average of three to fours hours of television daily. Television can be a powerful influence in developing value systems and shaping behavior”

Negative Effects of the Media The Negative Effects of Media Violence on Children
• It is everywhere you look. Turn on the television, it’s there. Go to a movie, it’s there. Even a cartoon that a five year old watches is filled with it. Media violence.
• By the time a child turns 18, they will have witnessed 16,000 murders and 200,000 acts of violence on television alone. Often times, these programs do not show the consequences of these acts of violence, either. Only five percent of children’s programs depict the long-term consequences of aggressive behavior. In addition, 58 percent of the time the victims were not shown suffering from pain. Therefore, the children who watch these programs will think that there is no consequence for resorting to violence.
Positive Aspects
 It provides a great sense of release, especially during stressful times in life.
 Highly entertaining.
 Community is valued and interaction therein is required for success.
 It requires reading, strategy, critical thinking and puzzle solving. (Compare to movies and TV, which are both very passive forms of entertainment.)
 It provides a mental and emotional escape from reality that we all need from time to time.


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