Portugal evs

328 palavras 2 páginas

Questionnaire – European Values Study ( EVS)
EVS is the most comprehensive data source on basic values held by Europeans. It expresses the wide range of preferences , attitudes beliefs in the most important area of life such as religion, family, politics, economics, work , morality.....It is widely accepted as a large –scale , cross-national research project on fundamental values and has been conducted in almost all European countries using a standardized common questionnaire.
Below there are some of the chosen questions. Please, look carefully at the following list and place your views on various issues:

1. Please say for each of the following , how important it is in your life: | | Very important | Quite important | Not important | Not at all important | 1. | Work | X (50,2%) | | | | 2. | family | X (76,0%) | | | | 3. | friends and acquaintances | | X(57,8%) | | | 4. | leisure time | | X(60,6%) | | | 5. | politics | | | | X(39,8%) | 6. | religion | | X(42,6%) | | |

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Here are some aspects of a job that people say are important. Which ones you personally think are important in a job?

8. | | important | Not important | 1. | Good pay | X(88,9%) | | 2. | Pleasant people to work with | X(86,4%) | | 3. | Not too much pressure | X(57,3%) | | 4. | Good job security | X(89,0%) | | 5. | Good hours | X(67,4%) | | 6. | An opportunity to use initiative | X(58,9%) | | 7. | A useful job for society | X(68,2%) | | 8. | Generous holiday | X(59,0%) | | 9. | Meeting people | X(58,7%) | | 10. | A job in which you feel you can achieve something | X(73,8%) | | 11. | A responsible job | X(62,6%) | | 12. | A job that is interesting | X(78,5%) | | 13. | A job that meets one’s abilities | X(73,5%) |


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